Sunday, April 08, 2007

It's all about the image, darhlink!

OK... so I am working on an image/monogram/both at the moment for the - *gasp* - wedding.

here is one of them...

I have posted the other one I have created...

I really like the whole swirly decorative bit - but not sure on the having-our-full-names bit. I'd love an actual monogram with our initials that I can use to have engraved onto a couple of gifts for Ally on the day.

Tara is *finally asleep*... it's only taken 7 hours!!!


Jayne said...

Oh that's GORGEOUS!! Love the swirlies :)

Amanda O. said...

Both monograms examples are nice but I think the one with just the initials is my fav... for exactly the reason you state. We've got a number of antiques from DH's family that have initials and for some reason it's always struck me as so sweet! This one looks like a wine label or a DVD label if you're doing video and burning DVD's for folks?

casso said...

I was going to suggest something similar - to have this long one as something for the wedding 'stuff' and produce a monogram from it that you can use for the future.

Sharon said...

I love that monogram its beautiful! I saw your comments on Belinda's blog so thought I would come and check out your blog. I then noticed your a PBP girl!!!