Tuesday, December 09, 2008

Dreams Shattered.

Ever have a dream that you've had for so long it's just part of your conciousness?

Mine was just shattered. Since I was 15 or so I have wanted a particular building in a the town I grew up in. I have told everyone about it - or so I thought - it seems mum didn't know. Anyway. The place went up for sale, and was sold yesterday. YESTERDAY~

What makes it hurt more is that it was affordable. To an extent - needed lots of work. But I have wanted it so much.... and now it has gone. I doubt it will be on the market again - at least for probably 10 - 20 years...

I think I could cry. This has been my dream property and just when I think we could afford something (with the bonus from the gov etc)... argh. I think I *will* cry.

This is it.