Saturday, April 08, 2006

The nightmare of a clothie...

It seems that cockroaches *shudder* have eated the control panel in our washing machine. One of the pitfalls of having computerised appliances. Our Microwave is temperamental for the same reason. I'm now waiting for the toaster to go. We have a HUGE problem with bugs in this house. I keep telling the OH we need to have pro's come in and nuke the bastards, but he just gets roach traps and bombs and does it himself. We so need to move.

Then again - moving will only make the bastards follow us inside the appliances. *gag* I hate bugs.

So, yeah, back to the nightmare. The machine is not working, and I have no idea when it will be working again - so I need to either a) handwash nappies or b) use disgustables. Plastic Poopey Pants. It is going to be be the latter because, frankly, I do not have the stamina or the inclination to handwash lots of nappies. I'll handwash her night nappies, and I will go through the (full) washing machine to try and find her other ones so they are not left being yuck in the machine, and hand wash those... but the poor girl is going to have to wear PPP. bleh.

On the upside - my nappy bag will be lighter while walking around the Easter Show. There are too many downsides to mention.

I want my washing machine to work damnit!

The Monet Soaker(s) are coming along. The one I thought was too small, looks like it might actually fit, now I have the extra wool.. This now means the pair I started this morning (and am a fair chunk into) are MILES too big. I am debating whether I keep going on them and sell them, or unravel them and make something else out of them. Decisions Decisions.

Bah Humbug.

I need more coffee. OH had better bring back a lot of milk!

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