Sunday, April 23, 2006

Man-rant ahead. Please mind your step.

ARGH. Men. They can be so damned infuriating sometimes.

I found the missing nappy soaker. I'd be lucky if it fit Tara's Teddybears. This is the second cover he has felted.

How hard is it to *check* the stuff you throw into the washing machine?! No no... for him it's an "all in" approach. Everything that is dirty gets washed - together. Then dried - together.

This particular nappy cover is especially felted - it went to the laundromat... lucky it.

I don't know how many times I have told him that the wool does not get washed. I hand wash them, keep them away from him. Do all I can to make sure he does not touch them. But nooooooo.. in is clean freak madness rampages he goes along and picks up everything he sees and just throws them into the wash....

His response when I show him... "Right! you do all the washing then!" Which I have been doing - when the basket is downstairs (I cannot get it down the stairs)... I was attempting to do it all before the machine broke...



Rae said...

Oh dear I've had this happen too. What's wrong with saying a simple sorry? It's never a pretty sight to see some wool killed.. :( My condolences.

Jayne said...

lol..sounds familiar *rolls eyes*