Sunday, April 30, 2006

Always the bridesmaid...

... well I've never managed to even be one of those. (Well I was once - asked - and then she chose someone else and forgot to tell me about it. I figured she'd asked someone else - so just played nice on the wedding day - when her bridesmaids did not talk to her at all. Seems THAT marriage is ending)....

Enough of that rant and on to another.

*cries* I want to get married. Or even engaged! Both would suit me perfectly! I feel it a personal insult that he does not want to marry me. Screw his whole beliefs (belief going beyond just anti marriage!)... I want a rock damnit. And I want a dress. I have a wedding outfit I could go and buy (see the cinderalla post! the green)... but noooooo.. he has to hate wedding stuff...

*pouts* I hate saying "My Boyfriend" when holding Tara in my arms. I feel like frikken trailer trash for not being married. I hate saying "My Husband" because we are not fricken married - even if we are considered to be "Defacto Husband and Wife" to me, we are *not* there... I can't even say "My Fiance" because he's never going to freaking propose...

I know it is sounds shallow and I should be happy - and I am - do not get me wrong... but I want to be married too!



Stacey said...

You could say "my partner", that's what I say ;). I don't bother with "fiance" as people seem to assume you're only engaged because you got pregnant LOL!!

Leah said...

ah I can (kinda) relate ... i wanted the rock baaaad and when I got it, I went off the wedding idea - esp after going to two weddings, decided it was nice for them, but not for us :) So we got "unengaged" about a year before Audrey was conceived. But I still love the diamond ring :)

I must admit I really love not being married with a child, like to challenge the beliefs of those who think it is feral cause we are such an old married couple in all but name, house in the burbs, dog, station wagon, trademan spouse, SAHM, been together 10 years, met as teenagers.

But you want what you want for whatever reason, that's fair enough :) lobby for a ring I reckon, see if that takes the edge off, cheaper then most weddings! :)

Unknown said...

Well Kristie, if I can get married, there is hope for you - TRUST ME!!!
Nathan was DEAD SET against marriage from the day I met him...only took 7 years for him to actually marry me, but we got there in the end!
But definitely go for the ring...tell him you'll be happy with that and then in 12 months time start whining about wanting the actual wedding *mwhaahaahaa*