Friday, March 31, 2006

Breakdancing Baby

Y'know those breakdances that do those funky moves, especially the one where they lay down on their shoulder and use their legs to move around in a fast circle?

That's Tara. But just add some wee ;)

Tara is currently naked on her playmat. She's worked out how to roll to her side constantly now and is spinning around in circles in the nuddy. Projectile wee adds to the amusement (yes, she can! she *almost* got the cow on the gym!).

The little monster decided to cry last night. Lots. Now for those of you that know Tara in the flesh, realise that she does not do this very often. But last night she decided to do it lots and lots.. every time she woke, she cried. Every time she came off the boob, she cried. Every time I moved her back to the cot, she cried. Every time I picked her up to bring her to bed, she cried. It was enough to make me cry!!

She barely slept all day yesterday, and so was really sleepy last night, but just could not get into a deep enough sleep. My poor baby girl.

I have 3/4 of one leg done on the longies.. just adding the pattern to it which is taking a bit longer... and then I have the other leg to go... eep! Hopefully it works.. the patterns were a little adventurous for a first time go at something!

The longies are actually huge I think.. not sure if she'll fit into them for at least another 6 months LOL. they might be shorties... or 3/4 length trousers in the end...


Rae said...

LOL at the breakdance moves. I can picture it.

Stacey said...

LOL!!! But *cuddles* for last night... Kira does this every now and then too, it's one of those mysteries of babydom.