Saturday, March 25, 2006

Fancy That!

I have two blogs. This one, which I thought was my other one, and my other one, which I cannot find the login for. Silly that. I came here to log in, and this one came up. At least this one is my proper login details!

I was going to continue with my Live Journal, but I thought, what the heck, everyone else seems to have a blog - why not me. And after the discussion on AB, I thought I should jump on the bandwagon!

TDF (the dragonfly faery) is fast asleep at the moment. Precious little thing she is. She is all cuddles lately and really wants to be held.

She put herself to sleep last night - in the cot... it was beautiful. I sat talking to her, playing with her mobile, watching TV with her and just playing peek-a-boo through the cot bars/slats and all of a sudden she was gone. And she slept brilliantly! Going to see if she does it again, but not going to hold my breath.

OH is formatting me a new computer. Apparently it is better than the one I have going on here - which will be fantastic with the graphics work coming back in again.

I am starting research on shopping carts at the moment and will be testing one out to see if I can use it easily.

I want to buy some new nappies. But it would mean getting OH to pay for more... LOL... and I already bought some PUL today without notifying him first. Oooops.


Kristie said...

How strange - the need to comment on my own Blog. I gotta test it somehow!

Anonymous said...


Rae said...

Can totally understand that urge!