Wednesday, March 29, 2006

What a pain in the butt!

TDF has nappy rash... Yesterday it looked really bad - it's been chaffing somehow. Anyways I found some Brauer's Nappy Cream and it seems to be healing it rather quickly! Hopefully it will have gone by tomorrow. I know what it feels like to have chaffing between the legs - and it hurts like all buggery. Poor little Bubbles.

In other news, I am crocheting a pair of Longies. Black and Red/orange/purpleish colours... pretty funky. I have the waist done (going to be drawstring because I was being creative with my crocheting skills!), and I may just see about adding a pattern to them. I have some ideas, so will see what happens :P

I really need to do some work on the SydneyMums site. I really really hate doing people in logos though hahaha! I have some ideas, but I just can't get them from my head into illustrator. Once I have a logo I will be able to do the site more efficiently...

Other logos however are coming into my head fast and furious! I have designs in my head for different businesses, even though I am not actually designing stuff for them. I am just being inspired! I have a very cool logo (IMO) for one WAHM, but as I doubt she needs a logo, it'll stay in my computer LOL


Stacey said...

Pics of the longies!!! :D

IKWYM about having ideas for logos LOL.

Kristie said...

I have almost finished the butt section... will start on the legs soon :P then you'll see them when they are finished - aim to have them done this weekend...