Wednesday, March 29, 2006

Dog, I'm warning you, leave my computer alone!

So I get up for a loo break (yup, you -really- needed to know that, not!) just now, defeat the purpose by skulling a heap of cordial after and on my way back to bed decide to just check some stuff online. Only to find my dog has once again close all of my windows that I had open.

I need to lock my computer every time I leave it, but being the computer-non-nerd that I am, I don't know how to do that. I can choose to log off user, but dunno if that does the same, and when I request that things be spelled out to me like I am a two year old, I am given a funny look and told to "just do it like this" *insert a dozen different hot-keys in lightning speed*.

Yah-huh. I caught that! *grumble*

So, all the pages I had open for a reason before I went to bed, are now gone, and I have no idea what they all were. They were important before I went to bed - but will they be important enough in the morning for me to remember? Or will my ultra-tired-brain-fried-self be too frazzled to search for Doodlepants. Or was that Dobblepants. Dabblepants? Longies!!

In other news, Tara is now being wraped again - at least, she is as of 5 minutes ago. She's been tossing and turning and I've not been sleeping, and she works herself up when I remove booby. I'm not to fussed about comfort sucking, but if she's going to do it, I'd appreciate her putting a little effort in and not leave my nipples feeling as though she's dragged them across and industrial sander. So I wrapped her, booby fed for an extra five minutes and layed her down again. Success. Enough time for my loo break... and the fun that has ensued.

So, I'm going back to bed. Going to try and find those sugar-plum-faeries, beg them to dance in my head, and give me some ultra sweet dreams.

If I'm lucky they'll bring me a pair of longies!


Rae said...

I love your last paragraph- very pretty image. Hope you get lots of delicious sleep.

Stacey said...

LOL!! I understand about the hot-keys thing... I think when you log off you close all your windows so you don't wanna do that. ;)

Dee said...


Windows Key + L locks your computer :)
Leaves all your windows still open, programs still running etc :) I lock my pc (when I remember) and let Lauren bash at it.

Kristie said...

Dee, you are my hero!! Why OH could not tell me that is beyond me!