Saturday, March 25, 2006

Only a little obsessed... no, really!

Well, I got started on the blog and could not stop... Intralled in the design of it I am - and then what happens? OH decides to give me a new (semi-new) computer - immediately. So I had to shut down everything (does anyone else have 15 tabs open on firefox?!), bookmark pages, save files, export things, move bits.... ugh.

But! I have a new computer!!

TDF is sleeping again. She's been a bit funny the last few days. Mum left yesterday and I am certain she sensed that I was upset, and became upset too. Not to mention my mum's perfume lingered in the house, when she herself did not.

As many of the links on the right will show, there is a huge thing for digiscrapping at the moment. It was brought up on AB one night and although I had tinkered with it previously, I thought about doing some more... though,I am thinking I might do something different and stick with a particular style. If I can't be bothered going to bed yet, I might make the first one... that is, if I don't decide to keep fiddling with this blog template!

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