Friday, June 22, 2007

Just desserts

At what age would you expect your child to be offered cake at a wedding? Or would icecream and such be sufficient for dessert instead?

Is it rude to suggest kids have fruit salad instead? Provided they are still rocking at the party...?

7 kids invited. 1 has a non-dairy diet. Two are over two (plus the nodairy - so three), and the others are under two.



Michelle said...

Imho, kids are happy just to get sweeties of any description. Go with fruit salad or something similar for the littlies and save the cake for the big people. We can always give the munchkins a bite of ours if we feel inclined do to so. ;)

casso said...

I take it you want genereal opinions, just not those of guests? Cos I would (being the food nazi I am of course) prefer Harry to have fruit salad at any age. If they really want cake then their parents can make the ultimate sacrifice! :o) Plus by that time of the evening no-one is sitting down eating properly anyway, just the odd group who are tired from dancing. So it wouldn't really be noticed much anyway.

Kristie said...

Cass - anyone can answer... and I need opinions as if they want cake, then I have to pay lots extra... but if I can say to the reception place - Fruit Salad for the kids, no cake, and they'll all have xxx dish... then life would be easier (and cheaper for frugal me)

casso said...

*pfft* then it's a no-brainer, just make it fruit salad. Spend the money you save on... ummm ...massages! Yay! :o)