Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Ouch goes my Tara...

Tara has this amazing knack to just walk off steps. I have been trying to teach her to go down backwards, hold onto things... all that stuff, but going down stairs always has me catching my breath.

Today she was walking around the playground with my bag over her shoulder looking very cute. I look up to see her going up the stairs and I think... awwh, she'll be ok.. she's going up...

look away for a moment and then something tells me to look back and she is face first at the bottom of the 3 stairs.


My bag must have held her back as she tried to go up, and she over balanced and fell back. The steps were brick and so she has grazed down her forhead and cheek near her eye on her left side. Poor thing. She was very shocked.

She was more worried about the sand in her mouth and on her hands though!!!

Poor thing has been over tired and miserable tonight though... she has cried lots... she had a 20 min sleep today and that was it!

Argh... they can tear your heart out!

1 comment:

Stacey said...

Oh poor Tara! :(