Sunday, February 17, 2008

Learning the Tarot

I am attempting to learn the Tarot at the moment. I need to learn the cards, and I will get there slowly, but at the moment I am asking the cards questions every now and then - dealing out cards (the number of cards is the first number to pop into my head), and then I use my special book to understand what the cards say.

Not technically the right way to do it, but I figure it's best to listen to the cards and my heart - 'cause that way I will get a better reading. At least, that's my reasoning and I am sticking to it for now!

I just asked the cards a simple question. Will I get my Homebirth?

The Star, The World, Strength.

For those who are in the know, care to elaborate?

For me I see it as this.

The Star: A positive card. New life, Faith, Hope.
The World: Finished, completion, End of a Cycle, Success and Fulfilment
Strength: Courage of Convictions, Full of heart, Desire, triumph, inner power

(these words are all taken from the book - I'm just drawing of the powerful words)

Not bad, eh?

Recent cards have said I'll have a Girl (complete opposite of Tara, and I had a vision of her that night - black hair and quiet... !) This is also weird as I have had really strong boy vibes for the last couple of months...

She'll have something to do with Aries (conceived or born?) and Pluto.. (pluto is a hard one, other than Pluto is in a year of change over at the moment and is back in the Sagittarian zone briefly next month on the Pisces and Aries cusp)

Um... and I did another card spread recently that quickly deciphered said that there is a bit of a journey (have I done that already, or is that to come?) until we get our next baby, but it will definitely happen and will be perfect.

Hippy much?

1 comment:

Grumpy said...

Kristie, its's been awhile since I posted here! (months back I worked your longies crochet pattern!) Anyway, I can't interpret your cards, its been too long. But oddly have had a similar dream - beautiful little girl with dark dark hair. My older dd is red, quiet, placid and easy to amuse. My little (same age-sh as Tara,) is strawberry, energetic, needy and amusing. Very different. Hang in there.