Tuesday, February 05, 2008

Domestic Goddess Challenge #2

Do not doubt yourself.

Even when you think you are doing a crap job, but are definately trying do not let other people get to you. My mother said something last night on the phone to me about cleaning the house and I felt about an inch tall. I am SERIOUSLY trying to get my house in order, so the fact that a comment was made almost set me back to doing nothing.

I need to lift up beyond that.

So, here are some tips for the week ahead

When decluttering, if you have to think more than 3 seconds on whether you want it, you don't - so throw it out!

Be Bold and ask for help! If it feels too big, maybe it is. Some fresh eyes might benefit you here.

Take note of other people's houses and take something away with you as how they live their lives. It could be the way they sort their washing, to the way they have their crockery in the cupboard! Every house has a tip! You just need to see it.

Ikea is your friend. They know how to declutter and use space in their designs. Everything is functional. Take note of their lessons (I am yet to go there - Ally believes it is the most evil place on the planet!)

So... who do my top tips go to?

Kate at Picklebums for reminding me about Ikea
Casso for her tip on doing the arm sweep every time you pick up something from the floor. Oh, this is a good one that I MUST practise!

Here you go ladies!


katef said...

oh I love your three second rule! ANd your little boxy banner, got to nab that for my 'organise 08' posts!
Ally may be right.. I think Ikea has a lot of evil in it's goodness... my advice is go with a plan and don't deviate!

Anjella said...

We're going to Ikea on Saturday to furnish the new studio! I can't wait, I've never been. Evil is good right? ;D