Friday, February 15, 2008

Domestic Goddess in Training

I am baking.


Yup. Proper baking even. Not a packet mix to be seen. I found a recipe on the Wide Web, and thought - that looks simple enough. I even have the ingredients (ok, so I went looking for a recipe that would fit my ingredients - including the singular egg in the fridge).

So I am making Banana Bread. Mmm. I hope it works. It smells good. Though that could be the tablespoon or so of cinnamon I dropped into the bowl. Or the Cardamom I put in first mistaking it for the cinnamon. (Doing well, aren't I!). Oh. And I put in 3 bananas because I am sure that's what the recipe called for (it called for two). So I could have a very wet sludgy loaf of bread because there is too much banana and not enough egg. And an extra teaspoon of baking powder.

I can hear you all laughing at me now!

Let's hope it works. It looks yum. smells yum. I just want it to taste yum.


Mr B said...

Oh banana bread, my fav ! Im sure it will be fine, hehe if its not though, I have the best recipe for that I got from Shen's blog ! mmmmmmm

Anonymous said...

mmm yum.. I am sure I can smell it from here!

Jimbo said...

This is me, Cass, posting from Jimbo's laptop and I can't be bothered changing the username login so forgive the name issue. But I had to telly ou that I just came from a fruitless search for banana bread. I mean - come ON people! I though banana bread was as ubiquitous as overpriced bottled water? I found some at Boost but they couldn't toast it for me...WHUH? Unless it is straight from the oven I need my banana bread toasted people. With slabs of real butter on it. Which may be why my thighs look exactly like slabs of butter themselves. ;o)

I should give you my uber easy biscuit recipe too from when we were at Ginette's house that day. Four ingredients, you can't go wrong!

Love Cass