Wednesday, December 12, 2007

The world of a Start Up Business

It's so hard trying to break into the Small Business Market when you have no finances to do so, but really don't want to take out a loan either.

I know I have a good business model. I just need to finalise my business plan and really ham that up a bit. I've looked at some government scheme, but for them, I have to work full time 35 hours a week. So min 7 hours per day, while being a full time parent - I just could not do that. I don't qualify, and I refuse to put Tara in full time day care to do that. It's not fair on her.

If I wanted to set up a shop, and such things, in some respects it would be easier because we would be out of the house, and I could look after her and have her with a play room - and work a full 35 hours a week. But the costs involved with a physical location just would not work. Too much money.

I need to win lotto. Or a grant. Though I would need to apply for them. Argh. Need to finish the business plan.

At least I have come across a few online locations (as well as physical addresses) where I can get some information. Hopefully speak to an advisor (and I have some contacts for that anyway).

It's just a bit of a nightmare.

Does anyone who reads my blog, have information on setting up business and services and any tips that I could use? I would be grateful for any pearls of wisdom!

1 comment:

Anjella said...

I don't have any pearls of wisdom, it's just a long hard slog, unfortunately. I left mine until Nik was finally at school because I just couldn't combine the 2, though yours would be a bit easier with little ones because you can do most of it from home. Getting my studio was the best thing ever, just being able to seperate work from home, but the expense is a PITA. I wouldn't want to give it up though.

The most help I got was from an online forum for professional photographers and throgh them I met a couple of mentors who have been invaluable. So much of business isn't what you know, but who you know (oooh, that was a little pearl right there ;-D) Network, network, network, have faith in what you do, if you sound confident people believe you. Tell everyone you meet what you do, you just never know who can help you.