Sunday, December 16, 2007

Blogging for dummies - er, the dummy.

That's what I need. I can make my blog pretty, but if I want to make it better, then I need to learn more. Trying to understand RSS feeds is still doing my head in. I want it to do one thing, but maybe I am just being too fussy.

I want to make my blog fun for people to read, and maybe stick around. Then again, not sure why they would want to read about my crap - Cervical Mucus and New Blog are not really linked nor that entertaining!!

It's not like I have a common theme, nor am I great at writing. I used to be once upon a time, but it seems like a lifetime ago.

I did make a step forward though. I have added a stat counter thingo. It is very interesting seeing where people are coming from.

And see. there I go again, with a rather boring blog post. Sorry guests, you can pick your brains up at as you exit this blog... they weren't needed within.

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