Sunday, December 09, 2007

The end is near - and so is a new beginning

So the end of the year is coming very quickly. I cannot believe how close it is.

There is so much to be done in the lead up to christmas. I wish there was more time (and money!) but it's just speeding along so quickly! I have worked out what I am doing for pressies for most people, but I still need to finalise it - and buy them all!

Today we had a lovely party at the park with our playgroup friends. It was a lovely day, switching between slightly overcast and hot. The afternoon ended with a pretty fierce storm complete with thunder and lightning. We had lots of fun with all of our friends and it was so lovely to sit and just relax. I did nothing much at all (other than eat and talk) but was utterly exhausted when I got home. I even managed to keep Tara away from the playground most of the day without much trouble (no hat, no shade, very hot and it was too far away from the conversation!). I loved catching up with S, M, P and baby A. So much time flies in 6 months.

I need to do some hefty work on Mamaluna in the next week. I need to sew and send out my tester nappies. This is a lot more possible now that I have official branding cloth tags! whoo hoo. very exciting. Mental note: need to call the printers about my business cards! The website is almost done - kind of. I need to get some photos and start making some of the other merchandise. Oh, and I need to get my tins, fleece and PUL. Soooo busy. I would love to get a lot more done however 'cause I am really feeling the need to bring in some extra money. Hopefully it is not too unrealistic to want to sew and make around 150 nappies over a 4 week break. Scrap the week of christmas, so that is 50 nappies a week... I might be pushing it, but hopefully it can be done!!!

Tara is doing wonderfully. For her birthday she received some money from Granddad and Nanna-Yvonne and some money from some friends. We got her a new doll and a necklace from Nanna and Granddad, and from our friends we used the money to get a book. Well, the book is by far the favourite pressie out of everything. It is called "My Little Word Book" and is wonderful!! She carries it around and reads it over and over again. She can point out about 60% of the photos in the book. She can say "s-ooooos" and "bay-bee" and "mummy" and "tar" very easily. We just need to get her to start pronouncing some other words. She talks non-stop, and most of the time we know what she is talking about. The fact she uses her hand signals so much is a big help too!

All in all, everything is going pretty great.

Now to just remember to update this blog some more!

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