Sunday, October 15, 2006

Overrating is a matter of opinion...

Ok... I NEED SOME FEEDBACK. please answer this question:

How important is the first birthday party?

I have already been in tears today regarding the fact I have been told some people won't come to a party because "they can't remember it" and "it's not like the first is important"

Am I the only person who believes that it is important to have a first birthday party...? or is it just important for me?

The last 24 hours has been a mixture of great things - but predominately a mixture of crap. Life has dropped into a whirlwind of blackness through some parts of our life. The black dog has rejected me for now, and gone for Ally. It's amazing how 24 hours can bring a person down. Sometimes life sucks.

However after today, maybe moving to Melbourne might be easier.


Rae said...

Oh darling you sound so down! ((BIG HUGS)) I think if you feel her first birthday is important then celebrate it. You'll remember it! Don't listen to what other people say. I do think that it's a big deal for the mum so if you want to mark it somehow then do so because it's an important anniversary for you and you deserve to celebrate it. That's enough reason there!!

Kristie said...

Rae - it's all well and good me celebrating - would do that anyways.. but what about a party? LOL... that's the key question... is a Party a silly thing to have?

Anonymous said...

Definitely not! I think the first party is the most important, if not for the child so much then for the parents. You've made it- one whole year of being parents!

Do whatever you feel is right and if the people who can't remember to turn up don't come don't worry about them and have a great time anyway.

((big hugs))

Grumpy said...

We did a first birthday party for my older daughter - though the party was mostly for the adults. The babe's definitely don't remember but you have the pictures to prove it. LOL! If you want to have a birthday party, have one, and if you get some nay sayers, just tell them it's a celebration for you as much as your daughter. ((HUGS)) Do what you want to do, and if you decide a party is for you then run with it and who cares what everyone else says. ((hugs))

Rae said...

A definate Yes to a party! Sorry if I wasn't clear earlier! LOL

For Noah's first birthday we had a picnic with my family in the park with cake and opened presents at home but Noah's cousin had a full on party party and it was fun too.

BTW I hate that reasoning of "they won't remember it so why bother". That could be used to explain away a lot of behaviour towards babies. Just chalk that crap up to the "useless inane public comments file" along with the "you gave birth to a healthy baby so you shouldn't worry about how the birth went" comments.

Also why does everyone forget the mother's experience so damn quickly? It was only a year ago you gave birth to a child! And If babies don't remember anything OO than its more YOUR birth anniversary than anything else and you're 'old enough' to remember it so celebrate!

And I want photos! :)

Unknown said...

Definitely go for the party!!!

We have had 1st b'day parties for both kids, and #3 will get one too! It was a great chance to catch up with people we hadn't seen for quite some time, and a fantastic opportunity for them to see how much the babies had changed!

If you don't opt for a party, then definitely you & Ally need to celebrate! Take a night out and have dinner or something special! That time 12 months ago you were on the most important journey of your life together, and if that's not worth celebrating, then I don't know what is!!!


Anonymous said...

Absolutely Party!!! Like already said this celebration is not just Tara's first year of life outside the womb, but for you all as a family. You've had a huge journey over the last 12mths and deserve a fantastic celebration. I can't believe its been a year already!!!

Leah said...

What buggers!!! Definetely have a party, it is a lovely thing to do ... and they are way cute either attempting to open presents or ignoring them completely :) The only reason not to have one is if you don't want to.

Amanda O. said...

The first anything is a big honking deal, at least to me, as I'm sure you've seen if you've seen my blog! *G* We went all out for Laurent's party - not that it was huge in terms of the amount of people but insofar as making it "perfect" for him, as a way of expressing to our friends how much we celebrate him in our lives and as a celebration of becoming a family of three and the new and changed relationships that implies. Every time we meet a person, we are reborn to new possibilities, none moreso than our children who are such an important part of our lives! If you feel a party is the right way to celebrate - go for it! And to anyone who tells you that you ought not to because they won't remember and isn't important - I'd tell them flat out they're being hurtful by missing the point (you're celebrating Tara, not her ability to remember, and she will be influenced even if she doesn't remember specifics long term...) and ignoring your having told them it IS important to you... you certainly wouldn't be celebrating it if it weren't! :::Huge hugs and anti life-sucks wishes:::

No one said...

Um, in my opinion, first birthday parties are incredibly important, sure bubs probably won't remember it, but it's also a celebration of the parents first year of parenting (a HUGE thing), and the mother's first anniversary of birth, which in my experience has always been a HUGE emotional milestone for most mothers...