Tuesday, May 02, 2006

Please mind your head, Rants flying above.

Oh for fucks sake. She is 14 months old. She wants her mum. She wants to be held and cuddled. Not left in a cot upstairs to "grizzle and mumble and cry herself to sleep for the next, hmm, hour" OK, I understand your life has gone to shit right now and you had to get the kids out. Totally agree. Just don't go telling me how to raise my fucking daughter.

It is not fair to leave me to mind your child while she is crying upstairs, longing for someone to hold her. It is not fair to leave me to not know what to do. I don't want to interfere in your child's life nor your parenting, but don't expect me to compromise my own beliefs just because you have taken over my spare room.


And as for Tara crying yesterday....

"It's ok to put her in cot to cry you know"

"I don't do it that way" [insert bad swearing thoughts in my head]

She'd fallen on her fucking head so probably had a headache, not to mention the fact she appeared to have a runny bot so might have had a tummy upset. I am not going to fucking leave her to cry it out just because "she'll be alright!!"

Must get out of house before I kill someone.


Stacey said...

*hugs* grrrrr.

Mr B said...

((hugs)) poor babe

Leah said...

Oh gawd - could not cope with that shit in my own house, I feel your pain! And the poor little bubba :(

Jayne said...

Oh no, I couldnt cope with that either! In *your* house!!!! I think I'd be saying something, I mean she can do whatever she wants in her own place (poor baby) but IMO aside from the ethical issues, it's just RUDE to let a baby scream its poor little lungs out in someone elses place. Poor little bubba, god how I hate this CC/CIO crap *sigh* *rant* etc