Friday, May 19, 2006

Go to your happy place...

On Wednesday (yes, I am a slack blogger!) we went to Currambena information morning. Currambena (The Happy Place) is a democradic school in Lane Cove. Apart from Tara almost having her eye ripped out by an over-enthusiastic one-and-a-bit-year-old, I really liked the school.

People keep asking why we are looking at schools so early, afterall Tara is only 5.5 months old. The fact is if we want to send her to this school, it influences where we will live, what we do, where I work (if I go back to work - unless we have another bub)... things like that. There is no waiting list as such for Currambena, it's not for everyone, but I wanted to know in my mind if it is where we want to send her. Personally, I love the school. It is small and friendly. The children are flowing with charisma, confidence and personality. The teachers are referred to by first name and everyone has a say in the day to day running of the school.

I was worried about how Ally would take the school, but I was pleasantly surprised by his reaction. The model is based similarly on Giant Steps, where he works and so it make it really easy for him to understand the way the system is. The way goals are set out, how they progress through the levels, how they interact with the world outside of Currambena. He was not turned off completely. So we will explore it as an option some more.

One of the main reasons we are looking at it now is that they also have pre-school. They can start any time after they are 3 and toilet trained. They can go two or more times a week and then progress into the primary sector. The big kids interact with the little kids and it's just one big happy place.

We will see.

Tara is little miss whing-pot at the moment. Increased need for LOTS of sleep, not as frequent feeding though, and lots of crying... poor pet. Hopefully things settle down again.

Um... got more to say, but am running late! argh. Story of my life

1 comment:

Rae said...

Oh Tara what a cutie :) Have voted for you.