Monday, August 27, 2007

How nice would it be...

.... if people actually send their RSVPs into me.

I know a few people have told us directly they are coming, but it'd be nice to get the card back with a message.

This is not aimed directly at any of my blog readers ;) but none of you have sent me your cards either! :P 55c people!

Remember - I've still got breastfeeding brain, and we all know what Ally's brain is like ;)

So far, out of 27 invitations, I have three RSVP cards and one email, telling me the card is on its way (still has not arrived).

I'm a keepsakes girl! I like mementos. Scrapbooks of love and some such.

Some of this vent is light hearted (to my blog readers because I know you care a bit - you read the blog! :P) But some of this is a deeply hurt me running to the Post Office Box each day to find it empty.

Please send me your RSVP cards. Just to pacify me even!


Anonymous said...

yes you are :P It's not that I am not sure if you are coming - I know you are :D but I like to keep things LOL *hugs*

I also don't want to assume people are coming, if they are not, yknow. Some people I might really want to be there, and they can't come - I'd like to know either way, without the awkward phonecall of "so, are you coming?"


Anonymous said...

I'm still waiting to find out my placement dates to see if I can make it. Should be out this week (I hope!)


Marieke said...

I spoke to Ally and he knows that Prez and I are coming (with Dash in tow, of course).

Do you still want me to send the card as well? If so, no problem, and I'll mail it next week!

Anonymous said...

hehe i would have rsvp'ed if u invited meeee! :) d x