Tuesday, December 12, 2006

One step... Two steps...

Tara has walked.

Yup. My baby is toddlering! So, she's been taking the odd step here and there... and if you stand her up, she'll walk occasionally (managed 10 steps in a row to get to me!), but yesterday she stood up against some furniture at Ally's work, turned to him and walked to see what he was doing. She got maybe 5 or 6 steps and stood looking up at him. It was very very cute.

Gearing up for Christmas. It is coming so fas. I have so much I need to do - it is insane.

I need to get pressies for a number of people and am just a wee bit stuck. On one had, there is a lot I could buy them - on the other, I have no idea if it is a good thing to get! Argh!

I am sending out a happy birthday to someone who I have not seen for a very long time. We caught up a while ago (2 years maybe?) but he did not call me. Fair enough too - I was an, um... bitch to him for a bit - talk about being a messed up kid... I hoped he would call - I wanted to apologise to him, say how dreadfully sorry I was, and that he meant a lot to me... He made me realise a few home truths. Anyways, it is his birthday today - 12 of the 12, and I hope he is having a marvellous birthday with his wife and children. Happy Birthday Simon!

Anyways... taking tara to the park so need to get running.

1 comment:

Amanda O. said...

Aw, congrats on the walking! Just wait... L is in the Toddling Tornado stage, which is chiefly characterized by turning everything into a disaster zone at full speed while you're too busy MELTING over how cute their toddling bums are to care! LOL