Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Happy Birthday Beautiful Girl

My dearest Tara

At 3.43pm on the 29th of November, you were brought into this world in a hurry by the doctors. Things had not gone completely to plan, but none-the-less, you were now earthside and in our arms.

I still do not know where the year has gone. Some days it feels like only yesterday that I met you for the first time. Others, it feels like a lifetime ago - as if I have known you like I know my own face.

I love watching you grow and change, and at the same time I hate seeing how fast it is occuring - you are now a toddler, a little girl - no longer the tiny baby I held in my arms on that first day. You are your own person now - and only reliant on me for the milk that sustains you. You love your independance, and you show yourself defiant often. I can do it mum, echos from your body. One day it will echo from your words.

With a full head of hair, you arrived, and even now your hair is a defining part of who you are. It is long, reddish brown, and constantly in your eyes. I must remember to clip it back. I tie your hair up in all matter of ways. Two pigtails are a favourite - your dadda calls this Pixie Hair. When you have one on top of your head, everyone compares you to Pebbles from the flintstones.

Pixie, Possum, Bubba, Bubba-girl, Sweetheart, Gumnut Baby, Fairy, all of these and more are names people call you. Possum is your daddy's favourite at the moment. "Hello, Possum" he says every time he sees you.

I feel so blessed to have you choose me to be your mama. Sometimes I wonder how I got to be so lucky. You are amazing, with a smile that lights up a room. Even now, asleep on my lap, smiles keep darting across your face.

Tara, thankyou for the first year. I wish I could express just how special this day is to me. I love you baby girl. We all love you.



Anonymous said...

A Huge Happy Birthday to all of you. What special and gorgeous memories to have... and what a lucky girl Tara is to have a Mamma to make those memories and capture them for her!

Stacey said...

Love yas!!!

Ish said...

Awwww Happy Birthday Tara and Happy mummy anniversary Kristie what an amazing year it has been. Sending you lots of love and hugs as you reflect on Tara's arrival earthside

Anonymous said...

Happy birthday darling Tara, and congratulations on choosing such a lovely Mama. *dribblesmooch* from Maeve!

Anonymous said...


Whee! I can't believe how time has flown. But then Dashiell's a whopping 16.5 months now, it's insane :)

Anonymous said...

Hope you and Tara had a great day, I a day late as usual.
Had a great time on Sunday thanks for inviting me, sorry I forgot to get a card.

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday Tara!! Happy birthing day mama :-D

Amanda O. said...

Awwww... goosh goosh GUSH... so sweet! Happy (belated) birthday Tara and happy becoming a mum day Kristie! The first year is such a huge, big, complex, wonder filled one and I hope her day was everything you wanted it to be!