Friday, November 17, 2006

Why does it bug me?

OK, so I know that parenting is a choice, and parents do what they feel is best. No one intentionally (at least I hope not!) saying "I am going to just use this method even though it may harm my child" Any parenting method is usually used after some thought before implementing it.

I know also, being an APer, that my parenting choices are often critisised and thought to be hippiesque, left-of-centre, and potentially creating "rods for my own back". However, I am not prepared to have my child "cry it out" just so that I can get a good night's sleep.

So, anyways, this morning I was reading a few blogs and a couple of them were talking about how successful sleep training had been and how their child slept through the night and needed to learn how to self settle. I just kept thinking of these babies crying and screaming for their mamma's and their mamma's not coming... I know I have abandonment issues myself, but I just keep thinking of these poor kiddies being left alone while Gina Ford, Tracey Hogg and Tizzie Hall make money off their distress.

Having said all of that - today I would be really happy if my child would just fall back to sleep in the night. I feel very sick, dizzy, sore, yuck. In fact, if my boobs hurt I'd say I had mastitis - but they are fine, empty and drained. I know what has caused part of my pain (oops)... but I really should not be feeling this bad... ugh. I cannot even see right.

But this whole sleep issue has me thinking about Tara and going into care next year. It's only going to be one day, from about 8 until 3 at the most (with a midday booby to help). How will she settle for someone else? Will she just scream herself into oblivion because she does not have me to suckle from? WOuld she fall asleep for Ally if he rocked her? I think we might have to try some stuff over summer to see if we can get her used to him putting her to sleep during the day. I have the sears sleep book here - so hopefully that will give me some help.. I just need to read it.

My mould from the US has not arrived yet.. I am getting antsy. I need it by Tuesday at the latest!!

Tara is getting closer to walking. SHe is more and more often not holding onto things - and thinking about it. She crawls everywhere - but she's not far off walking.

People should get invites today or monday.

I have to do some sewing today... finish a pressie for tomorrow. Mothers Group shared birthday party tomorrow.


1 comment:

Grumpy said...

Something that worked for us with our older daughter was we found that she liked music to sleep with... so I put on the music and for a little while I sat with her with dh - after a few days I extricated myself for part of the time, and just increased that time every few days as she tolerated it. Now at 5 she is content with either of us putting her to sleep. Around Tara's age, I also found out I was pregnant again, so our focus became to have her go to sleep without nursing. So I found that rocking her and having daddy put her to bed helped.

I couldn't let her cry it out.... if she cried I was in the room with her, holding her - reassuring her, this didn't happen often.

Also on that icky feeling... find some time to rest. I wore myself out with my first to the point that I ended with my body just shutting down telling me to sleep. M was 13 mos. I collapsed in bed and slept for a day and a half.

Get better and take care!