Sunday, August 06, 2006

Dream a little dream.

You know how you can have some dreams that just hit your emotions and you feel every part of it as if it was as real as anything? I had one last night.

I don't remember all the details... we were at preschool/primary school for some reason - not sure what. The kiddies had gone to lunch I think, and Ally and I were in the classroom preparing food. He gave me a present. I opened the beautiful card first, and in it is a calendar of the rest of this year, and 2007. My birthday in 2007 was circled and had hearts around it. I looked at him and said "what's this?" He looks at me and says "That is the day we will be getting married". I catch my breath, I feel the tears welling. My heart feels as though it is going to explode. The next thing I am opening the present. It is a beautiful diamond ring. He puts in on my finger.

Next we are on the playground acting like love sick teenagers running around. It was beautiful. Then I start thinking I have imagined it all. I run back into the class room and I am looking for the baby food that was being prepared while we were in there prior. Someone is using the microwave. I have to stop them, because the jars of pumpkin have recorded the fact that Ally proposed to me. SOmeone mixes two jars together, and the recording is lost. And now I am not sure if he asked me to marry him any more.

And then I wake up/or that is all I can remember.

I can still the emotions of when he said "that is the day we are getting married"

damn bloody hormones/dreams/illogical thoughts ;)


Rae said...

Dreams are almost magical in their palpability sometimes. I find them so fascinating. Sounds lovely. :) Does Ally read your blog? ;)

Mr B said...

Oh I love dreams, having some amazing ones lately. It sounds like a lovely dream, though not sure about the babyfood part...LOL

Kat said...

Some dreams are worth going back to arent they? What a fabulous way to have someone propose, I do hope Ally reads this. ROFL @ the jars of pumpkin rrecording the event ;)