Wednesday, August 30, 2006


So... I have been sick for at least about 28 days (according to me guessing when I got sick in regards to taking the pill).

The cough is now really really getting to me. Was tested for Whooping Cough last week, but have not heard back. Having had WC before, this cough is not as wet, nor as suffocating, but as I have been to two areas with Whooping Cough the last few weeks, who knows.

Doc does not think it is (hence - not Antibiotics)... and when asked if I should contain myself to the house he laughed, and said he *really* did not think it was... and I was fine.

Having said that, I really feel like I am half dead. Sigh.

Should not complain... someone I know has a brain tumour (x2)


Mr B said...

Oh you poor thing, sounds yucky! Im sorry to hear about your friend with a tumour.

Anonymous said...

((hugs)) hope you get better soon.

Iain said...

No fun being sick, wishing you a speedy recovery now.