Monday, July 03, 2006

My Legs! I can't feel my legs!!

So I had a follow up appointment with the OB today. He never actually attended Tara's arrival, however he was ultimately in charge being a head doc. Anyways, he was the one that gave me a debrief over her birth, and then referred me to a neurologist to have my legs checked for the lack of feeling. Today was a check up after the referral. He's still not *happy* that I have this problem, but understands that it is justone of those things. Though he has suggested he sends a referral to phyiso so they can decide whether or not I need to have physio therapy to try and get teh nerves in my thighs feeling again.

One thing the OB said was that he is not certain this condition will improve if I have another child - and he suggested it will actually get worse. I think I can live with that.

I also asked whether I will be able to have a midwife led birth next time or whether, in his opinion, I would need to be under the care of an OB. He was all for the Birth Centre.

Sure, I would love to have a home birth, and I know lots will be disapproving even with me considering going down the Birth Centre route - but I just don't think it's for me. Granted I have lots of time - but it's one of those things on my mind.

So yeah, all in all I came away quite positive. Realistically - if I had an OB, he'd be the one I choose - being so "naturally" focussed. LOL


Mr B said...

Sorry to hear about your legs.

I wouldn't disapprove ! And dont listen to anyone who will, for some of us, homebirths just aren't possible.

Jayne said...

Oh that sounds awful! Just on the homebirth thing, you need to do what's right for YOU and your BABY. A homebirth isnt the right way for every woman! Screw anyone who would dissaprove! Those people truly give me the shits! lol OK so you can see this is one of my pet hates, when others impose their birthign choices on women ;-) Many women have fabulous birth centre experiences, esp if they have the right support. (((hugs))))

Mr B said...

Yeah, what jayne said !