Thursday, May 22, 2008

Random Stuff

Hey stace! will get around to my tagging soon.

Congratulations K on the arrival of little cherub M. I cannot wait to hear the story of her arrival.

Before anyone asks. Nope. Not Pregnant.

Doing great in my course. Having a breather for a week, and then will be stuck right in it again.

I bought my dress for phantom of the opera. It's RED!
I bought my bra to match the dress for phantom. It's Black. And sexy. And cost me $8!! I bought 13 pairs of socks, 1 pair of Nothing Knickers, 5 bras and a lovely new top for $22 at Kmart today. 4 of those bras cost me 60 cents each. (75 cents with 20% off!!) I love finding bargains.

I need someone to buy a logo or a website off me. anyone?

Tara is driving me batty tonight.

Ally is going to the movies with the other woman once child and I go to bed.

Tara has daycare tomorrow. Tears from both of us I am sure. Ask me in two more weeks time how she's going. Or if she is still going. Mixed opinions.

I was in a big Sydney Newspaper recently for belly dancing. Oops. In two photos. Double oops. I looked like crap. Triple oops.

I love belly dancing so much - even though I SUCK BIG TIME!

That's enough of a random update. Miss you all. Still in a blogging funk. Getting out of my life funk. I'll be back soon, I promise.

1 comment:

nimitybelle said...

Hey you!

Where are you hiding?!