Wednesday, March 19, 2008

I feel so stupid!

Ever say something that you believed with all of your heart to be true, only to be proven that it's not, and you've offended people in the process?

Did that tonight. I feel horrible. Physically ill. I am glad I am going to be offline for a couple of days. I feel beyond terrible.

There is not a rock big enough.


Stacey said...

Don't worry about it, she totally overreacted to your post, different if it had been the OP but it wasn't, and she jumped down your throat for no good reason. *hugs* You thought it was true and you apologised, some people just take it too far.

Jayne said...

Oh gosh *hugs* Sounds awful. You poor thing.Everyone makes mistakes-and honestly people shouldn't (IMO) take stuff they read on the internet so seriously that if it turns out to be wrong it's the end of the world. JMO . I hope you feel better soon :)

Amanda O. said...

Hope you're feeling better Kristie... hard as it may be (because I tend to take everything to heart as well and fret over it for daaayyyys...) try to remember that even if you made a mistake, if they're taking it badly it's more a reflection on them than you.