Saturday, March 15, 2008

I cannot believe it broke

It was not my fault. The other half badly stacked pile of washed dishes (but he washed them!).
I went to turn a tap on at the sink, and it was a cascade of pots and plates. Directly on top of our Bodum.


yes. The 12 cup, lasts me a morning, beautiful, every faithful Bodum. Just as I start getting back into drinking real coffee. Just as I get myself hooked on my morning coffee. Just as I buy a brand new packet of beautiful coffee. Just as I get my period again. What the hell is a girl supposed to do?

*reaches for the wine glass*


Mr B said...

Hmm, not sure what a bodum is, but if its involving coffee and is broken then gasp !! how awful, LOL

Anonymous said...

Assuming the question was more than rhetorical -- in the absence of coffee filters or more complex machinery, you can brew a quite decent coffee in a muslin "sock".

Rae said...

Oh we are cursed with bodums! We've broken numerous so we bought a hard plastic one this time around.