Wednesday, January 02, 2008

Ending a journey

I guess I can put this out here now. Now that it is actually happening.

Tara is weaning.

We are down to 1 feed every 2-4 days at the moment. If that. It's usually at night, and if she is inconsolable. Other times if she wakes we just sing and she goes back to sleep.

I must admit that I am feeling a touch of relief with the whole thing. As much as I adored breastfeeding in the beginning, some of my personal struggles later on made it a more difficult journey as she got older. I probably refused more than I should have, but I did offer occasionally.

I guess we will have the odd feed together for a little while yet, though who knows, she may have had her last feed.

When I think about her having her last feed ever, I cry a little. But at the same time I am so proud of the two year mark we made. Although happy about her weaning, I am also sad about loosing that part of our relationship. It's a hard thing to judge my true feelings on.

It's just another step on the road I guess. This journey ends, and another will begin.

1 comment:

Stacey said...

*hugs* You've had a rollercoaster few days, so it's understandable you are not sure how you're really feeling about this. It's new territory, that's for sure! Go gently with yourself.