Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Slack is just another word describing me.

Another month has gone by and I have not blogged. Sorry dear readers, I have just been in la la land and distracted.

Anyways... not much has happened really. I have lots of photos to post of Tara when I get the camera back from Ally.

I am going to be working one day a week for the rest of this term. The plus side of this is I might score a free ticket to the Ball. Whoop!

It's a bit stressful in my life at the moment. feel a bit down really. can't put my finger on it, but it'll be alright.

No. I am not pregnant. Have been asked a dozen times in 4 days "when are you having another" or "are you going to have another" or "She needs a sibling" Yes people. I know. I realise this. Shut up already.**


Not feeling high spirited today, but I wanted to post and try and start blogging again.

**friends excluded.

1 comment:

Amanda O. said...

sends *stressbegone* vibes your way

and lots of sympathy on people who don't have the tact not to ask inappropriately personal/nosey questions... have been dealing with this a fair bit recently including one person refusing to believe I'm actually not pregnant (definitely not by my choice though) and not just denying it to delay announcing so I hear you!

Good luck choosing your sewing machine! Much excitement!!! :D