Thursday, November 29, 2007

Happy Birthday Tara

3.37pm. That is the moment you took your first breath. And every moment since then, you have taken my breath away.

2 years on and you are so amazing, the way you help me see the world around us. Nothing is ever black and white any more. Everything is seen in a kaleidescope of toddler-coloured-glasses. Who knew that the lid on the bottle of water was THE most important part of having a drink. And did I really understand the consequences of folding up the dirty towel you were leaning on?

Your fiery personality sparks inside of me something so primal. The protection of my baby, who is no longer a little baby, but rather a little girl with the world in front of you.

Each day you surprise me with how girlie-girl you are. The fact you adore dressing up, putting on my shoes, or dad's boots and we cannot leave the house without spritzing mum's perfume or deodorant. Don't get me started on the lip gloss fanaticism.

You adore your babies and love to carry them, and feed them (breastmilk of course!). Your new "ergo" is going to serve a great purpose for you!

We still share our special moments of breastfeeding. Usually in bed, in the wee hours of the morning. You call out from your bed "mama.... mummay!" and reach out longingly into the cool morning hair aiming for me to lift you from your bed. We snuggle in and as I lay you on your tummy, you let go and go back to a peaceful slumber.

As we aim towards the next 12 months your dad and I hope to change our lives a little by the introduction of a new sibling. You've started taking and interest in babies, and have even started saying the word when you see them. Fascination has taken your hand, and hopefully, as you get bigger and understand more, you will welcome a new being into our lives.

So, on your second birthday, darling daughter of mine. I hope you have a wonderful day. Try not to scream at your dada and I too much, and maybe share a cuddle, an "I-am-super-cute-look-at-me" cock of the head, and if we are really lucky - blow us a kiss.

We love you with all of our heart and adore watching you grow and change and become such a beautiful loving little person.

We love you.

Happy Birthday.


Michelle said...

Happy birthday, possum!

Marieke said...

Happy Birthday!!

Anonymous said...

That was such a lovely entry Kristie. Brought tears to my eyes. We need updated, 2 year old photos now!!

Love to all,


casso said...

Happy birthday gorgeous Tara! So sorry we missed your birthday party, but I can't wait to give you a celebratory kiss when we next see you.

Kristie - great to see you online again hon!

Love Cass

Anjella said...

Happy birthday Sweetie!