Thursday, September 07, 2006


There is so much stuff going on at the moment, and so much I just don't even know where to start.


Tara is sick - again! What is it with this babe of mine? I mean, really! Aren't boobyjuiced babies supposed to be healthier, stronger fighters against illness and all-round better at dealing with being sick? Not my bub. No-sir-ee.

Lots of emotional stuff going on... not quite wanting to put it out here though.

Tara can stand - for up to 10 seconds or more... and even clap her hands while doing so. It's only if she's been propped though. LOL.

I have logos coming out of my ears. Thankgoodness these people are paying though... I need the $$. Looking forward to sharing some of these.

Need to update the blog at some stage too.. meh.

All-round bleh-ness hitting me.

Going away soon though... if we don't find a house first.

La La La La.

1 comment:

No one said...

On the breastfed babies being more healthy, another way to think of it is, relatively healthy. That is, if Tara seems susceptible to illness now, imagine how she would have been without the extra protection of boobyjuice?

Other than that, (((((HUGS))))), it sucks to feel blergh! Hope it passes for you soon :).