Friday, September 15, 2006

"relax, it's freedom" (do I need a TM here?)

Apparently my dad being told is supposed to liberate me and give me some sort of freedom.

Not to me, but hey. To me, it's chained me again. My dad will never see me again the same way as before. My "secret" is no longer secret. My aunt told my cousin we were "aledgedly" abused by her dad. My mum seems to have turned into som sexual abuse psychologist from the pamphlets they gave her and I am sitting in sydney while it all just happens to me.

Once again, I have no control. I said this to mum. She said she understood but truly believed this needed to happen to move forward. Whatever. I do not know what to think. I am once again numb. I go home next week into the eye of the cyclone.

double meh.


Stacey said...

That's the thing isn't it? You HAD control over it, now you don't. Doesn't matter what other people think you needed. You should have been able to have some control over it. *sigh* That "allegedly" must hurt. Yeah like you're all making it up. Grrr. *hugs* I can't imagine how hard this is for you atm, I just hope you're getting some proper support (and not just psychobabble). *more hugs*

Mr B said...


Rae said...

Thinking about you Kristie. What a crappy crappy situation you've been put in. :(

Anonymous said...

Hold your head up high honey - take some control back for yourself - if you want to talk about it with them, do so. If not, tell them to get stuffed.

They may have taken it out of your hands now, but you can take some of it back again, a piece at a time.

Anonymous said...

T was me - Tramissa