Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Photos coming out the wahzoo...

I have sooo many photos and no idea how to scrap them, or tint them, or do anything with them as my computer is complaining of low disk space. Need to move all the photos on to the server.

Bubbles is waking up - talking - then going back to sleep. Next tooth is coming through so she is sick - again. Damn this whole sickness-with-tooth-emergence thing. Her nose is running like a goddamn train! She is as adorable as ever.

She's doing a bit of cruising at the moment. Crawling is not fun enough for her... no no no.. she must STAND. then she lets go and goes "Oh shit! I am not holding on!" and dives for the nearest thing to hold... hahaha!

I have not heard back from some people regarding doula stuff. Maybe I should just do it via correspondence. I need to make some more money. Maybe I should pimp myself on the corner! *evil cackle*

I am sooooo passionate about birth, and choices, and not sitting idle and letting them all take control. Man I get soooooo flustered when I hear people talking about accepting a section because it fits in with their schedule... or worse - because the baby is too big *swears profusely*. Yeah Yeah.. I know. My birth was not the epitomy of all their is to birth - but, man - It's like I have "seen the light". I knew about all this stuff beforehand - but I was a backseat passenger in my pregnacy and birth of Tara. I needed to be the Driver!

I wish homebirth was not so vilafied in modern life. Or so expensive (out of pocketwise). I know you cannot compare price with a great experience and all that jazz...

OK. Rambling.

Must go. Need to wash some nappies... need to clean the study... need to research werribee open plains zoo... need to get ready for holidays...


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