Sunday, February 14, 2010

So, it's been over a year...

It has been over a year since my last post and even though I have thought about blogging lots since then, I have not been sure whether I wanted to update THIS blog. But I figure it is easier than starting a new blog right at this moment - that can come later.

Tara is now 4. Can you believe it? I can't. Some days I look at her and she is my month old little baby, with chubby cheeks and a deep set dimple. And then I look at her and it is a glimpse through a looking glass to when she is 13 and off to high school. The other days it is her just being 4. Beautiful, glorious 4.

I was talking to mum tonight about how she has lost some of her baby fat through her face and shoulders this last month (thanks to a vicious dose of vomiting gastro), and how she looks so wonderfully energetic, and young, and vibrant.

She has a couple of obsessions. One she is slowly (hopefully) growing out of - and that is Pooh Bear. She has Pooh Bear doonas (yes, plural!), lamps, clocks, toys and lots of books. I am hoping this one is a passing phase, for while I do like Pooh Bear, I am a classicist at heart and wish that the Disneyified crap would go elsewhere.

Dance is still a major part of her life and she is very much a singing and dancing kinda girl. She loves doing dancing anywhere and everywhere, and gate crashing a busker in the street is one of her favourite pasttimes.

Her other major obsession is PONIES! Wow, does she love her ponies. Any pony toy, book, story.. you name it - she loves it. And don't get her started on the real things. She loves horse riding when she gets a chance (she has a ride coming up in a couple of weeks) and would love to do it every week. Not that we can afford to do so in the Sydney CBD.

And she's getting a mighty fine collection of My Little Ponies now - thanks to ebay and the grandparents!

She is going to preschool 2 days a week and has some lovely lovely friends there. And I'm even making some friends through the other mothers which is really nice. Unfortunately one of her Best Friends is going to be leaving in a month and I'll have to deal with that fall out. thank goodness she can't remember that her old best friend at preschool left her too.

We have made a decision where we are going to send her to school, which is a massive load off my mind. I hope to become part of the P and C over the next year to become a bit more familiar with the community and the school. I think it will be a good way for us to get to know the small community.

As for me, I am doing ok As you have probably guessed, I am still no pregnant. Still trying. Still not getting anywhere. I'd love to have another child, but I am beginning to loose faith in the whole process. My mental state is not doing great over it all, but I try no to dwell on it.

My business is going very slow, and I have not made much in the way of sales for a while. I hope with a change of business structure over the next couple of months that things might pick up again and I'll be able to actually make money instead of loosing it. Keep your eyes out though, it's a bit exciting.

I'm also just about to finish my Childbirth Educator Course. OMG. I am so excited that I might actually just finish this! I am on the tail end, hopefully will have it finished within the next month.

Ally is working lots and lots and lots, but that is hopefully going to settle down soon.

We've been to New Zealand, Perth, Victoria, Canberra in the last 6 months or so, which has been a massive dose of excitement. Hopefully we get to do some more travelling soon, it really is refreshing to the system.

Anyways. that's it for now. I'm going to TRY and do more posts. hoping hoping. fingers crossed


Stacey said...

Yay an update!! *hugs* and Tara sounds like such a gorgeous little person!

Lesley said...

Woo hoo, another blog to follow and I know that a baby is coming your way Kristie, I will be thinking of you. Hmmm Ponies, okay will keep an eye out,though I do do an awesome Pooh Bear ;) Hugs