Monday, September 29, 2008

The trilogy is done..

This post here...

Well... all three happened.

The first post was rather cryptic, but it was basically my Spidey Sense (for those that have followed my blog for a long time). Spidey Sense being me sensing people who are going to fall pregnant before the start of 4th Term. :)

Even the Maybe person!

Hopefully this means that I am next! I've not gotten any more spidey senses about anyone yet...

and ally wants me to ask whether or not anyone has a spare 14 or 15 inch LCD monitor in sydney they are wanting to throw out or give away. Giant Steps could use one for the kids.

1 comment:

Michelle said...

Heh. You definitely having a knack for sussing people out. :D

*Sends baby mojo Kristie's way*