Friday, August 08, 2008

I don't want Balls!

OK... something is getting on my nerves a lot at the moment and so thought I would do what I do wonderfully on my blog. Rant.

Let me make it clear - I am not a male. I don't want to be a male. I don't strive to be more manly.

So why on earth does someone thing it appropriate to tell me I have Balls when I have done a good thing?

Why is saying "You've got Balls!" a compliment when said to a woman?

I don't have balls. I don't want Balls.



I am sick of seeing it on TV, or on movies, or on the radio that the epitome of someone doing a bold activity causing awe from those around is met with the same crap "you've got balls" comment... sure. Men do, but WOMEN DO NOT.

so, next time you want to say Balls to me, think again ;)


Mr B said...

Too right !

Jayne said...

Yeah I agree, it is very stupid, not to mention extremely sexist. However, I must admit to using the expression "You're busting my balls" at times, simply because I think it's funny, especially as I do not in fact possess said balls :D

But yeah..dumb expression I agree.

casso said...

The saying should, of course, be "You've got oestrogen!". Because that is what rocks.