Saturday, August 23, 2008

All about Tara.

Favourite Tara-isms

"I wan a duddle"
"woh dee dee dee?" (watch dvd with plead)
"doast" (anything using bread)
"I wan [insert whatever]" (includes Food, drink, Toy, That! - whatever THAT! is...)
She especially loves it when she sees something on TV "I wan wat dat" Especially a favourite when the Aussie Idol add comes on TV.

Which leads into the new "I want" phrase.

I was looking for a doona cover for her (the eternal quest at the moment!) and she saw what I was looking for and looked at me and said "I want pooh bear bed"

*slaps head*

She currently has an obsession with Pooh bear. Started with huggies, which we wanted to get her out of, so we changed from pooh bear nappies to pooh bear knickers. She's dry most of the time now hehe... but it has also backfired in her wanting all things Pooh. We downloaded the Pooh bear 1970s movie for her and she watched it over and over (we've been sick in this house!) and then when she wanted to watching AGAIN, I just had to say "Pooh Bear Sleep". She took that OK. but has asked for everything pooh bear since. Pooh Books, Pooh DVD, Pooh Knickers and now Pooh Bed.

I am trying to dissuade her a bit, but at the same time, how much of this is her and her self expression...? Would I be enabling the consumerism obsessed child if I actually got her a Pooh Doona? Since it is half the price of the doona I ACTUALLY want to get her (Freckles Dragonfly that I am not buying for $100!)...

I would not mind so much if I could find a classic pooh doona in double for $50-$60, but it's all modern/70s pooh... :(

Argh... dilemas!!

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