Tuesday, January 01, 2008

Happy New Year - Welcome 2008

I was looking forward to doing a really special start of the year post, but instead I am feeling miserable and cranky.

Last night I thought I was pregnant. This morning my Period arrived.

It is amazing the emotions you can go through in such an amount of time. I'd thought for Days I could have been pregnant - I mean, I'd done a test and was sure I could see a line, but knew that others would not be able to see it. I was very late with my period and was clinging onto hope. Well the new year brought me just another Flo'

I'm disappointed, a little sad, a little bit in pain (physical). I guess we'll get there.

So, I thought about new years resolutions. I am not one for making them much. I usually break them. The feeble attempts to wish away my weight, get a degree, do something exciting. yada yada. This year will be simple.

*Visit a Naturopath
*Learn to be a cleaner person
*Clean the backyard
*Get Pregnant
*Have a homebirth
*Do my ABA counselling course
*Resume my CBI course
*Launch Mamaluna
*Be gentler to Tara
*Be deeper with Ally

That's all I need to focus on I think. I think that's a fair bit actually. I hope I have the strength to do it all.

So I'm going to sign off. I promise to do the Christmas blog post soon... I'll back date it so keep an eye out.

In the mean time. Happy New Year. Love to all.


Ish said...

So sorry Kristie HUGS

Leah said...

wishing you lots of luck with your goals this year, tho I must disagree about simplicity - it'd be a massive year with just half of them :) but maybe the simplicity is a straightforward desire, unlike "should" type resolutions!! :)

Mr B said...

Sounds like a good New Years list to me :-)

Lots of ((Hugs)) Kristie. Sending tons of babydust your way.

casso said...

Oh Kristie, am so sorry to read about it. That is a pretty impressive resolution list!