Thursday, December 27, 2007

Merry Christmas

(This post has been backdated!)

Merry Christmas everyone! We had an ok day considering the evening before! Although there was lots of discussion about the incident. My little Brother slowly came out of his shell once we went to the farm for lunch - allowing us to see the bruises on his face.

The morning started with Coffee and sleepy eyes. It was a reasonable time, but we were all bleary from being awake quite late. We migrated into the lounge with our cups and our slippers and introduced Tara to her Santa Sack and Stocking.

"ooooh. wow." she kept saying. She slowly pulled everything out piece by piece. Here is a quick rundown of the Loot.

*Big Girl Knickers
*Little Mermaid Helmet
*Streamers for the bike
*A princess/ballet party dress
*Clothes... lots of clothes
*A dolly seat for her bike

I can't recall the rest ha!

She also was given a My Little Pony and some hair clips from her Uncle David, a tambourine from her Auntie Alice, Maraccas and a Sax/Trumpet from Nanna, A teddy bear from Granddad and Nanna Yvonne, A bike from us, some sneakers and that'll do I think!!

Ally scored quite well with a fishing chair and a tent, and some other stuff. Oh, and we were given a sandwich press as well. I got a couple of Photo Boxes.

We had a seafood breakfast (At 11.30am) where we ate cray and prawns. Then we moved to the farm where we ate more seafood, salads and roast meats. It was lovely. Dessert was had at around 6pm. One huge afternoon of eating. Finished with a hit of backyard christmas.


So there is the wrap up!

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