Saturday, December 15, 2007

Charting. It really is gross.

TMI post. You have been warned!

There is something so weird about actively TRYING to have a baby. I mean, Tara was a beautiful surprise blessing. She just arrived. I did not have to think about it. But now that the wedding is gone and we are (shhhh!) trying for another it's really odd to be following the whole charting side of things.

Since my cyles are all over the place (av 37 days, though 32 - 76 has been recorded) it does not make it as simple as saying "Oh, 10 days in, let's boink for 48 hours and wham bam, baby jam!"... Predicting (or even working out) the time to just go for it is really hard.

And don't get me started on the whole Cervical Mucus thing! Makes me cringe having to describe and understand the goop. I mean, I *like* knowing what is going on with my body, but having to do the midnight tango because of the consistency kind of makes me a little erkie.

So, having said all of that, I thought that I was having a really odd cycle and that when I thought I was ovulating was strange, but I plotted and charted and did what baby-making couples do (that's sex people), I was wondering if I was in the Two Week Wait (TWW).

Then I started bloating the other day. Feeling horrible in my belly and generally just meh. Oh yay, thought I. The Aunt is back. But I think I am wrong. Following the CM today, and the left hand pain I have had today, it seems I am actually Ovulating Late (day 30 by my chart). So unless I am pregnant now (ha!) the earliest I could find out about being PG is on Cycle Day 40 (and that is at a push!). That would be christmas morning.

We'll have to see.

Before that happens, I've gotta go upstairs.


Anjella said...

Are you doing the whole temperature charting too? That's how I had Sascha. It was very easy. I knew the exact day I ovulated. The first month of charting I'd conceived him (and we only had sex twice that month too, one was practice ;-D.
Natural Fertility was the book I used, she has a very useful chart. I still have my chart somewhere (and that exciting line after ovulation where the line just went up, up, up!) I knew I was pregnant when no-one else believed me because of that (I'd been told by my OB that the chances of me ever conceiving again was close to nil - I'd had an ectopic and lost a fallopian tube - and I was pregnant within 2 months of him telling me that by following her book).

Kristie said...

not temping... yet.

Might look into that this month.
