Monday, December 10, 2007

The bottom end.

It's amazing that everyday normal folk are changed into weird creatures once offspring come along. I never really understood the whole Parents Are a Different Species thing.

Until I found myself sharing with Ally our daughters Other End.

Yes, we are attempting Potty Awareness. I loathe to call it Potty Training or Toilet Training because she is not a dog, and I don't want to traumatise her over the Porcelain Throne. Instead, Tara is now nappy free most of the time at home and I just encourage her to use the toilet. I thought I would give you an insight of our days.

Tara runs around naked (or at least bottom naked) and runs up to me holding her crotch screaming at me "Oh no! Oh no!" (it is really humourous actually!) and I look at her and say "Quick! Potty!". Off she scurries with all the determination of an elite athlete running the final 10 metres! She backs herself down slowly on the big blue potty and finally sits down.

For all of two seconds.

Then she screams at me ("ughugh!") and gets help getting out of the chair. We do this 20 times or more a day. And every single time the potty is dry. Bone dry. But we celebrate her sitting on the chair (because she used to be terrified!) and we start the process again.

That was until last night.

Tara did wees on the potty! And we did a VERY big happy dance. Whooo hoo! She came and told me she needed to go. I knew she did because she'd been farting and going through the above potty dance for at least 20 minutes. Finally she sat there for a bit longer. She watched a bit of TV and then I heard a noise. At first I thought she'd just farted again, but she jumped out of the Big Blue Potty herself and started squealing in delight! She was pointing and dancing and laughing. And to be honest, so was I. A wee in the potty - that she instigated sitting on in the first place. Whoooooo hooooo!

So imagine my delight when she did the Potty Dance this morning while I was cleaning and she ran and sat on the potty and all of a sudden I hear behind me "Oh, WOW!" I turn around to see the biggest poo ever in the potty! Golly Gosh! Was I ever so happy that she caught THAT one in the potty! Much dancing, squealing and singing occured. She was very very happy. And so was I.

Maybe this summer we WILL manage to do the Toilet Awareness!


casso said...

Cool! She might be like Harry and just decide that now she wants to use the potty/toilet and you find yourself coming home to a nappy delivery when you also have gone out to buy some undies. ;o)

Love Cass

Michelle said...

Yay for the potty! Genevieve also runs around with a naked butt and only has a nappy on for sleeping and long outings. It's taking a while for her to get the hang of not going in her undies, though...

Kristie said...

I obviously spoke too soon - considering the amount of times she weed on the floor LOL

But at least SHE was the one who cleaned it up!

Stacey said...

YAY Tara!