Sunday, August 12, 2007

Time for a change?

I am thinking of updating my blog again.

I think it needs a change.

All those in favour, say Aye!

In other news. I really need to snap out of my blergh-ness. It's not doing my headspace very good to be in this flatline at the moment.

antebridalpreconceptionsleepdeprivedstayathomeworkingmamaofone blergh-ness

I am desperate for a new camera. A point and shoot one where I can just TAKE photos. ANY photos.

Can I just say how amazingly beautiful my child can be. Both in looks and in personality. She comes and gives cuddles all the time, dresses up in scarves and shoes with a bag over her shoulder and waves while saying "buhbye" and walking out of the room. or staring up the says shouting "awwow"

She's magical

1 comment:

casso said...

Nah, she's just ok. Sorry, didn't you hear that it was ME that got the best baby? :o)

I can't see any of those photos which really sucks.

If I can help with anything to do with your VBAC journey you should know I am here to help.