Sunday, March 16, 2008

Books, Books, Glorious Books!

I love books. I've been buying lots of books.

Here is my birth library if people want to look.

Anyways, I was wondering if any of my dear readers have, by any chance, my Copies of Birth Reborn or Childbirth Without Fear? I have a tendency to loan out my books and forget where they go...

So if you have them, could you let me know?

Stace, I have your Nursing companion book too, lol


Stacey said...

I have them my dear! And yep I knew you had it hehe.

Marieke said...

I highly recommend adding Henci Goer's "A Thinking Woman's Guide to a Better Birth".

It's not so much a book about pregnancy, but it's about all the standard medical interventions surrounding birth, and contrasts the medical literature and studies about these interventions with the routine use of them.

In the back it has summaries of the studies and a reading list so that if you're interested you can go find the studies yourself.

ISBN-10: 0399525173
ISBN-13: 978-0399525179

As said in one of the editorial reviews by Penny Simkin on the page:

She analyzes and makes sense of a prodigious amount of recent obstetric research, boils it down, and summarizes its findings. And, on the basis of these findings, she makes practical recommendations for better births. Not one to pull the wool over anyone's eyes, Henci lets the reader in on her whole thinking process, providing scientific references, summaries of the articles, and logical recommendations.