Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Forgive me for neglecting you, Blog!

Please forgive me.
Life is hectic.

Wedding stuff is overtaking my brain.

I broke Tara's tooth yesterday (ok, she pushed me on a horse in a park and it bounced and hit her in the face chipping a tooth).

We leave here on Saturday to drive to victoria.

I want black satin chair ties. Over thinking much?

I need to sew tablecloths.

I have a party to go to in 50 mins and have not finished the trousers.

my brain hurts.

so much to do.

I am addicted to facebook. Help me!


Mr B said...

LOL Hope you get it all done ! Yes, its all facebook's fault !

Anonymous said...

I know it's late, but the schedule for placement was only just released - unfortunately, I'm on placement from 8 Oct - 26 Oct. Means I can't get down there and back on time :(

I'm so sorry - I'm so upset at missing it :(


Kristie said...

Liisa, I had a feeling that you'd miss it. That's OK. There will be lots of great photos to share with everyone, and if we pull our fingers out maybe even a DVD..

We'll miss your pressence there, and look forward to your next trip to Sydney.

PS: you just miss out on all my silly spelling mistakes on the Order of Service!

Anonymous said...

find me on facebook!

tigerpancakes@hotmail.com x