Friday, May 11, 2007

Snot another bloody cold.

We have all been fighting off colds. I did not have one (was fighting it really well) until tuesday night. Tuesday got a little worse... Then it kinda hit.

Then Tara got sick.

Green snotty nose sick.

She's been miserable and not sleeping well - which leads to me not sleeping well! She is doing ok though I guess.

It was a real bummer as I was meant to be working at Giant Steps yesterday (she was going to be in care at the school) but because she was sick I pulled the plug.

She's purking up a bit now which is good... hopefully it'll be gone by monday!


Stacey said...

Geez everyone is sick atm!! Hope you guys get better soon!

Mr B said...

Oh god, we are sick too. Hope your all better soon.