Friday, April 06, 2007


My child just deleted the post I was halfway into writing. Why can't she learn not to touch my fricken mouse?!!

We are both feeling shite. She just wants to hold me, I can't stand her touching me. I can't stand her screaming at me. I want her to go and watch TV and stop whinging.

I know this is unreasonable, so before anyone starts commenting en-masse, stop. I'm just having a woe-is-me moment. I am tired and grumpy. Possibly hormonal, and as my post-that-she-deleted-five-seconds-prior would have attested to, stressing over some wedding bits and pieces.

wahh wahhh wahhhh. Why won't she just go to sleep?! (without the boob in her mouth and let me put her down asleep once she does fall)... she was asleep before but refused to let me put her down.

And while I am ranting, what the hell is it about babies fonding the other breast while feeding. It's enough to drive me insane and stop breastfeeding (I am not going to but I swear I am loosing it). I cannot stand her touching the other boob, but every fucking feed!! I remover her hand, tell her not to touch, explain I do not like it, get her to hold something else... the works. Nope. It occurs the next feed, and the feed after... and the feed after that. It disturbs me beyond anything.



Anonymous said...

:( I know what you mean about the boob fondling being a horrible feeling. I had a two-pronged defence.
1) Put a cloth or a small towel under my shirt on that side, so I couldn't feel it.
2) If I got to screaming point, just popping her off the breast and putting her down. Yeah, she yelled. I'd pick her up, cuddle her until she calmed, and then try again. Takes a few times, but it seemed to work for us.

As for seating at the wedding, I liked what my brother-in-law did. He had two rows of chairs on the lawn in front of where the ceremony took place, for the elderly/pregnant/disabled. Everyone else stood on a slight incline/hill behind the chairs. And yes, that meant we were standing through drinks/nibblies, the ceremony and the photos, but it was a nice day, and really wasn't that big a deal.

Amanda O. said...

Oh dear, I think T and L have been comparing notes... we have the mouse obsessed, I'm-teething-clingy-and-irritable-but-won't-sleep, boob tweaking thing (and yes, I hate it and it makes me grump I'm going to wean L too even though I'm not so no judgement here!) going on too. We've tried substituting other things, holding his hand etc with no success. BFing necklace was minor success, sometimes. :-/

::assumes the position and chants "It's a phase, it's only a phase and it WILL pass::